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Limba: franceza
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Subiect: Vara, într-o suburbie a Parisului. Marie, Anne si Floriane au 15 ani. Drumurile lor se întâlnesc pe coridoarele piscinei locale, unde dragostea si dorinta îsi fac o dramaticã aparitie. Cele trei fete trebuie sã se descurce cu pubertatea, cu atractia sexualã, iar douã dintre ele sunt apãsate de propria virginitate. Marie cea tãcutã  si neîncrezãtoare, timidã si stearsã, e prietenã cu Anne, care e mai plinutã si impulsivã, care a decis cã Francois va fi primul ei iubit. ( )

Three girls, each about 15, deal with puberty, the onset of sexual attraction, and, for two, the pressure of virginity. Marie, who's slight and diffident, quiet and nearly expressionless, is friends with Anne, who's a bit chunky and impulsive and has decided that François will be her first love. Watching synchronized swimming, Marie is suddenly attracted to the team captain, Floriane, beautiful, aloof, tall, and rumored to be a slut. François pursues her. Marie begins to hang around her; they trade favors, and soon it's an odd sort of friendship. Each of the three experiences her own first, and Marie must sort out attraction and friendship.