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Limba: ebraica, franceza
Subiect:  Naomi, o fata religioasa si cu inclinatii spre studiu, e fiica unui rabin de vaza. Ea e logodita cu arogantul student la yeshiva Michael, insa viseaza in secret sa devina rabin. Dupa moartea mamei ei, Naomi isi convinge tatal sa amane casatoria si sa o trimita la Seminarul de Adevar si Cunoastere in vechiul oras Safed din munti. Inca afectata de doliul pe care il tine pentru mama ei, Naomi afla ca va trebui sa imparta o camera cu alte 3 fete, intre care si independenta Michelle. Naomi si Michelle capata din partea directoarei scolii insarcinarea de a avea grija de suferinda Anouk, o femeie care a petrecut 15 ani in inchisoare dupa ce si-a ucis iubitul. Remuscarile si cancerul o macina pe Anouk, asa ca ea le cere fetelor sa o ajute sa se intoarca la Dumnezeu, iar fetele hotarasc sa execute ritualul Kabbalistic Tikkun. Intre timp Naomi se indragosteste de Michelle si se convinge singura ca in Cartea Sfanta nu exista nimic care sa condamne dragostea dintre doua femei ca fiind un pacat. Dar, intr-o societate condusa de barbati, care condamna independenta feminina, Michelle e mult mai greu de convins.

The orthodox religious and studious Jewish Naomi is the daughter of a prominent rabbi and is promised to marry the arrogant yeshiva student Michael. Naomi secretly dreams on becoming a rabbi and after the death of her mother, she succeeds in convincing his father to postpone her marriage and be sent to the traditional Seminary of Knowledge and Truth in the ancient city of Safed in the mountains. The grieving Naomi shares a room with the outcast and free-spirited Michelle and two other roommates. Naomi and Michelle are assigned by the headmistress to help Anouk, a woman that spent fifteen years in prison for killing her lover, and is terminal with cancer. Anouk asks for the purification Kabalistic ritual Tikkun to reach God, and the girls decide to help her. Meanwhile Naomi falls in love for Michelle and she finds in the Bible that their desire is not considered a sin in the eyes of God. While assisting Anouk, Naomi tries to convince her beloved friend that their relationship is not wrong in a repressive society ruled and judged by men.