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Subiect: Ai din cand in cand cate o criza de identitate? Spui uneori cate o minciuna pentru a-i face fericiti pe ceilalti?Alex Houston, personajul principal al acestei povesti, te-a intrecut de mult pentru ca le-a facut pe toate, si inca intr-o maniera absolut dementa...Aceasta comedie plina de situatii neasteptate exploreaza modul cateodata haotic in care comunicam cu cei dragi. Pe masura ce se incalceste singura in propria plasa de minciuni, Alex se straduie sa ajunga la adevarata comunicare cu logodnicul ei, familia si cel mai mult, cu ea insasi.

  Plot: Ever have an identity crisis? Tell a little white lie here and there, just to make everyone happy? Well, Alex Houston has got you beat, hands down. This witty, farcical romp that explores the sometimes comically bumbling way in which we come out to the people we love - whether we're gay or straight. As she becomes increasingly entangled in her web of lies, Alex struggles to come to terms with her fiancé, her family and most of all herself along the way.
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