Movie review score

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Limba: franceza / French
Subiect: Cheyenne, o jurnalista, decide sa paraseasca Parisul dupa ce isi pierde slujba, si se stabileste undeva in pustietate, departe de societatea pe care o uraste. Plecand, o paraseste si pe Sonia, iubita ei. Sonia e profesoara, isi iubeste meseria si refuza sa i se alature lui Cheyenne in noul ei stil de viata. Sonia se va stradui sa o uite pe Cheyenne, fie in bratele lui Pierre, un tanar anarhist, sau langa Beatrice. Insa inima Soniei ii apartine in continuare lui Cheyenne.
Cheyenne, a journalist, decides to leave Paris after being laid off and to settle down in the middle of nowhere, far from the society she hates.The trouble is that she leaves Sonia, her true love, behind. The latter, a teacher who loves her job, refuses to give up everything -including her comfort- to follow her. Sonia makes all the efforts in the world to forget Cheyenne, whether in the arms of Pierre, a charming anarchist, or in those of Béatrice, a gay woman who soon proves perverse and dangerous, only to realize that her heart belongs to Cheyenne and nobody else. If Cheyenne does not come back, Sonia feels life is not worth living any longer...